Taylor Sensei Dies Peacefully Monday Nov. 17th

Dr. Marion M. Taylor, 76, born in Chicago, passed away peacefully on Monday, November 17th at the Fisher House in North Amherst. He met death bravely among close friends and dedicated students. Marion studied as a microbiologist but found his true passion in traditional Japanese martial arts for what he was more popularly known. He held senior ranks in Iaido, Karate, Kyudo, and Aikido. Marion worked as Director of Martial Arts at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts for 39 years until his retirement in 2012. He is survived by many hundreds of students across the country and friends around the world, all of whom mourn his loss. Marion was an inspiring teacher and timeless mentor to those who carry his legacy through the practices he shared.

In his last moments, Marion’s lifetime as a warrior in this modern age shined fiercely as those among us who were there saw him run swiftly towards the threshold of the greatest adventure of all.

In Japanese tradition, the spirit takes 49 days after death to reach nirvana. As his loved ones in the mortal realm, we clap ceremonially to awaken the Gods, or
kami, to make it known who it is they have coming to them. No elegant word exists in English for this section of the body but rather than keep Marion in our hearts, best we keep him in our bellies, or hara, where it is believed in Japanese tradition where the soul resides.

Marion believed and would constantly remind those near him of
mujo – the concept of impermanence. Marion will take some measure of pride in being a representative of this now, but only in a certain way. His most precious knowledge remains as proof of his living in those who live as guardians of his memory.
In tribute to Marion, a generous donor has established the Marion Taylor Martial Arts Endowment at Hampshire College to ensure Marion’s legacy of teaching and mentoring remains vibrant and active at the College and benefits the next generation of students. To learn more or make a gift in Marion’s honor, go to: https://www.hampshire.edu/giving/marion-taylor-martial-arts-endowment or contact Clay Ballantine in the College Advancement Office at 413.559.5647, or cballantine@hampshire.edu.
Marion is a loss for us all but I do especially thank everyone in our great community who has kept me in their thoughts.

Yours in martial spirit,
- Samuel I Kanner